English will be here very soon




Instruction for Participation in Virtual Reality Earth
(In Dutch: Instructie Voor Deelname Aan Virtuele Realiteit Aarde).

The theme

We are on earth to learn, to develop our consciousness, to see through the false illusion of separateness. Many topics are included: reincarnation, unity principle, life as a learning experience, karma, consciousness development, the origins of the cosmos and man, quantum physics, the digital revolution, epigenetics.

The surprising perspective

The reader looks through the eyes of the consciousnesses Stu, Erv, and Maestro at our planet, humanity, nature, the God Principle, and our behavior.

The interludes

These sections in the book are auto-biographical. Marc presents himself in a vulnerable way. Moreover, it is a nice illustration of how the computer simulation Earth works in practice: as a learning experience. It was Carl Jung who said: What you resist, persists. Don’t resist what comes your way, it will keep coming back until you have learned the lesson inherent in it. In this, the author also shares a socially critical view, which many will share, or which may cause a light to go on in some people’s minds.

MarcSijm - IVDAVRA - Intermezzo
MarcSijm – IVDAVRA – Interludes

The underlying message

Enjoy life. Find the right path for you to your personal truth. I wish everyone a life with an abundance of love, very much prosperity and an ever-evolving wisdom.

Product specifications

Author: Marc Sijm
Translator: Yoff Kau
Subtitle: Instruction for participation in virtual reality on earth


Language: English
Binding style: Paperback
Print: 1ste druk
Release date: Soon
Dimensions: 21,0 x 14,5 x 2,6 cm
Number of pages: around 250 pages
Weight: around 380 g
Illustrations: No


Author: Marc Sijm
Translator: Yoff Kau
Text agency: De Letterbrug
Publisher: Marc Sijm
Printing house: PUMBO and Kindle Publishing


EAN: 9789083277301



The book IVDAVRA translated into English is available now via Amazon as paperback and as ebook.



Thank you for your book!

Thank you for helping me in the form of IVDAVRA to put in place many pieces of the puzzle I was still missing! The picture of my visit (participation) to VRA (Virtual Reality Earth) has now become more clear. The content of the book, widens the world I have made my own so far.

– anonymous

I have studied your book IVDAVRA

Many a time moved to tears. Yes, I am critical, inquisitive and open-minded and do not take anything blindly from you either. Did not read your book either but studied it.
As an engineer and ex-management consultant I have seen many a model (=simplified representation of reality) pass by. Only a few proved valuable. Your book presents a view that actually helps me further in understanding the earthly and what we are doing. It gives me a context and perspective that is extremely valuable for living a meaningful life.
My thanks are hardly pronounceable, but I will do my best by writing: thank you Marc, your book has helped me immensely to give my life meaning.

– anonymous

Within a week I finished reading the book IVDAVRA

What an incredibly cool and beautiful story!!! For me it was a wonderful simplification of a theme that is often told in too complicated a way. Through your story a lot of things became clear to me that I was only now really feeling! Also because the story was told from the point of view of the participants instead of the human being which usually happens. Thanks thanks! And I have already borrowed the book again.

– anonymous

I am now reading IVDAVRA

I am reading your book IVDAVRA and you asked me to let you know what I think of it.
First and foremost, respect for your original way of dealing with non-trivial ‘matter’ in a storyline of participant and avatar, larded with interludes of your growth from child to adult with all the perils that occur then. I enjoyed these interludes ….even from the virtual reality storyline of Stu and Maestro. to your life story.

– anonymous


I enjoyed this book from beginning to end. Mostly because it was such an unexpected read. A very beautiful vision of how we are currently in our “world. And what we might be able to change in our current lives. At least it makes for growth in awareness.

– Topsy (rated the book a 9 out of 10) on 16-11-2023

A helicopter view of what we are experiencing here

Hi Marc, on this quiet Boxing Day I just read the last words of your book, so I have now finished it and feel the need to send you a message about it.
I was super curious about what you had written after our conversation a few months ago. I found the first chapter hard to get through but after that (!) it flowed finely.
A helicopter view of what we are experiencing here and why that is so you have written in my opinion. And in the personal chapters between the story I recognized much from my own childhood and later life.
The last chapter with the enumeration and your all-over goal of getting us back into the awareness of HOW to live a fine and happy life away from the slavery habit we grew up in makes me feel light and happy.
Thank you for listing in this way the discoveries that the free-thinking human being has made so far, and putting words back into the very clear perspective that we can focus on putting down. It was already ready but now I know for sure, the next book I am going to read now is Bruce Lipton’s book.
A heart salute from Kit

– Kit – Artist

A book that sticks with you, touches your core values, offers light

Curious about the content, I was triggered by the cover, I started reading. And then I was silent for a while. That didn’t last long, because the book makes you look at it from an unexpected angle, which takes you on an amazing journey. From spectator to participant. The book inspires, makes you look again at being human, life on earth, your loved ones, your choices, your purpose. It offers a way of seeing whereby I experience light and space. And in the hectic of the day, even quite some time after I read the book, this resonates with me and I think about the book for a while. And then the hectic is less hectic and I am reminded of my higher purpose.

– Jennifer Heuvel – Chemist, Yoga teacher


Who am I really?
When you read Marc’s book you are drawn at full speed into the world of early consciousness, and how energetic Beings developed themselves through learning, by developing into humans, with our Earth as the training ground for learning. This reversal of the ‘normal’ path of research, starting from the human being, and including meditation and self-examination, but now with the Greater Consciousness and Her/His many splits as the starting point, is new to me. It is fun and surprising, and perhaps even a good way to reinvigorate your daily spiritual ‘maintenance’. The book leaves you in wonder. Marc wove his own personal life story as a “human being” as an example and test of his insights through the storyline of the development of the Beings. This makes it easy to read. Refreshing!

Marciel Witteman – Editor-in-Chief Yoga International, Yoga & meditation teacher

Is this world real, or is it just a dream?

Marc Sijm understands the art of turning a challenging thought experiment into a fascinating story: Does this world really exist, or are we living in a computer simulation? The author makes us look at the earth and human beings through the eyes of the incarnating consciousness unit Stu. This surprising perspective shows us the higher function of our lives: a learning experience. We are here on earth as consciousness to evolve, to see through the false illusion of separateness.
By including a number of personal chapters, the author gives us an insight into his own path to consciousness development. In it, he poses a very vulnerable question and shows once again that what you resist will come your way again and again until you learn the lesson it contains.
The recurring theme of illusion or reality evokes associations with the film The Matrix and the allegory of Plato’s cave, but reminds me especially of that popular English children’s song: Row, row,row your boat gently down the stream, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream… Row quietly with the stream, enjoying the trip, life is but a dream….

Ria Schopman – Copywriter, De LetterBrug


What an insanely good book! The book is the world I like to be in. Fascinatingly written. Wonderful how it is told. What this book describes is the realization of what life experience is on this earth. A validation of ‘love conquers all’ and ‘one with all’.
Thank you for sharing this with the world. I have learned from it. What I have experienced in my own life, I can now, partly on behalf of your written energy, appreciate even more, understand better, articulate and refine even more in the future.
When we discover who we really are, are aware of it, life is Magical in every moment of existence.
When we recognize and acknowledge who we really are, have full awareness of that in all aspects (hearing, seeing, smelling, tasting, feeling, thinking, perceiving) life at every moment of existence is a Magical experience.

Euvie Tyani Karijoredjo – Entrepreneur, Associate Pranic Healing Instructor


Fascinating book. Topical science, the new humanity, consciousness and quantum physics. It grabbed me, because it is written as a personal story, is profound and yet also a nice read because of the practical approach and refreshing view on our reality. I found it an inspiring booster in this day and age!

A captivating and fascinating story about life, in which you are taken into the writer’s reality or is this virtual reality perhaps reality? A surprising journey of discovery through the world of Being, the laws of physics, ancient wisdom, awareness, light and dark, personal development, appropriate to this time, where many people are looking for, inspiration versus embodiment.

Engaging until last page, Beautiful design and reading letter, Booster!

Helma Robbers – Coach, Trainer, Cantaloupe

Another Perspective

You are taken by the hand to see things from a different perspective. With a personal view from the author. And then puzzle pieces fall into place. Or you realize that you already knew it but didn’t want to see it yet. This tastes like more as far as I am concerned.

– Yosefien – Healer, Trainer


In his book IVDAVRA a story is told based on insights from new scientific insights and illustrated with personal events from Marc’s life. Together, this provides insight into how our reality works. Marc Sijm has clearly studied the scientific theories of Thomas Campbell and Bruce Lipton and then thoroughly processed and digested them so that they become accessible to a wider audience.
Very interesting for anyone who likes to look at reality differently and find new perspective.
While reading the book I felt an intense flow of Love and Truth come through me. I expect that this experience can occur in many people and that it will be supportive and empowering to go through these times to a world with more space for what really matters in life and between us people.

– Marie-Thérèse – Coach

Enjoy life don’t take it to seriously

Marc has written a fantastic book. It is written in a very fluent and understandable way how it all works. How we as souls are prepared for our human experience here on earth. By reading this book you become more and more aware of life. Enjoy life don’t take it to seriously. Definitely a must read to learn more about how life works. Thank you Marc .

Naomi Frangie – Coach

Look at your life differently

What a creative and surprising look at life. It might just give you new insights. That you ask questions about things that you otherwise just take for granted. Valuable, a first step to purification and growth it seems to me. Read it! It will certainly bring you something.

Surprising, Accessible, Spiritual

Hexje01 – Den Haag

Moved to tears

I treated myself to IVDAVRA today and read it in one gulp. Delightful and was moved to tears because it resonates so much.

– Saskia – Den Haag

Your review

If you would like to send in a review to be placed on this page, please do so using the following review form.

    Marc Sijm

    For as long as I can remember I have been fascinated by what moves me, what holds me back, what moves a person and what holds a person back. How people are different from each other and yet exactly the same.

    Who am I? What is that: to be a human being? What is my purpose in this life? The life questions that probably everyone has had pass by at one time or another.

    Through all the information I have absorbed in this continuous journey of discovery, I have developed into who I am today.

    Trained in structural engineering, working in the world of big computer projects, at the “big corporates”, trained in Chinese medicine, intuitive development and Effortless coaching and PSYCH-K® Facilitators.

    How people describe me: An attentive listener, a talker, open-minded and skeptical. A techie, a feeler, a quick sharp thinker, someone who can give a surprisingly different perspective.

    And then I started writing a book….

    Marc Sijm IVDAVRA Photo Manuscript

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